Free Summer Buying and Selling Guides Now Available!

Are you looking to apply for a mortgage? Get an application here

Hello, and happy summer! I just wanted to let you know that the buying and selling guides have been updated for summer, and I want to share them with you. You can find them by clicking through these links:

Use them as you need to, and if you know any family that could use this information, I would appreciate it if you would pass it on to them. I'm positive they will find this information very valuable.

We have a few more months of beautiful weather here in Southern California, so I hope you enjoy it! As always, if you have any questions for me, feel free to reach out at any time. I always love to hear from you!

Summer Buying and Selling Guides Now Available!

Are you looking to apply for a mortgage? Get an application here

Today, I just wanted to share a few updated documents with you. Both the buying and selling summer guides have arrived, and I just wanted to make sure everyone has a copy.

I highly recommend that you blog about these, send them to prospective clients, and share them with your colleagues. There is a lot of great content here from Keeping Current Matters and I think that everyone you share it with will find value in it.

Every time I get a new prospect who is looking to buy and gets pre-approved with my team, I give them a buying guide. Every time I work with someone who is thinking about selling, they get the selling guide.

Feel free to make it your own by taking my information out of the last page, putting your email address at the bottom of each page, and just use it as you see fit.

I hope all is well in your business right now, and look forward to talking to you soon!