What Can You Do to Make 2015 Your Best Year Ever?

Hello and Happy New Year! Goals are a huge part of everyone's life, so today I thought I would share 5 tactics I've learned from my mentors and coaches that will help you take it to the next level.
  1. Identify the categories of your life you want to improve: Years ago I studied Tony Robbins and he talked about a concept called "the wheel of life." Basically, find six to eight categories in your life that are important to you and rank how well you're doing in those categories. For example, my categories are: my faith, wife, family, personal development, friends, work, finances, and health.
  2. Write down your goal for each category: I recommend coming up with two goals for each category, for a grand total of 16 goals for the year.
  3. Identify why you want to hit each goal: Why do you want to achieve the goals you've set? What are you going to get out of each? Will it benefit the people in your life if you do? 
  4. Identify your action plan for each goal: Come up with a system for tracking your progress. I personally check up on my goals every single day!
  5. Identify the obstacle you might face: What is something that could get between you and your goal? What roadblocks might you come up against? Write down those things so you can prepare for them adequately.
These 5 tactics will help make 2015 your best year ever. If you have any questions about putting goals together, or would like more advice on how you can make this your best year yet, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I would love to hear from you!

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